Digital Transitions History
Digital Transitions was founded in 2003 with the goal to help professional photographers achieve their creative vision with the absolute best hardware and service in the industry. With this goal in mind, we grew beyond being a basic “camera store” into a multi-divisional, multi-disciplinarian digital imaging resource leader.
Our Division of Cultural Heritage launched in 2005 to serve the library, museum, and archives communities with innovative new products designed by our internal R&D team specifically with cultural heritage professionals in mind. Over time, we’ve expanded our offerings outside of hardware and software solutions to include our popular Project Lemonade webinar series, growing knowledge resource center, industry-leading training, and networking events(like our upcoming Round Table.)
In 2019, we acquired our service division DT Heritage, further expanding our offerings to the cultural heritage community. With an in-house team of imaging experts and state-of-the-art equipment, we’re able to solve any digitization problem that comes across your desk while fitting seamlessly into your existing workflow.
Expansion With Cultural Heritage
As we expanded in size, product scope, and knowledge leadership, our identity should expand with it. Each of our divisions has unique offerings, and until now, they’ve held unique identities. We want to make it easier for our community to understand how our divisions work together to bring you the best possible imaging solution. To achieve this, we’ve unified our brand identity across each of our divisions and implemented a brand new (and easier to navigate) portal page.

Digital Transitions Heritage:
DT Heritage is the leading designer and manufacturer of digitization solutions including advanced copy systems, revolutionary scanning platforms, and sophisticated automation software for your collections. Using our diverse backgrounds in engineering, photography, conservation, and collections management, we provide custom solutions to enhance productivity without sacrificing image quality.
Our worldwide client base of top-tier institutions makes us the authority on Heritage Digitization.
DT Heritage:
DT Heritage is dedicated to delivering preservation-grade digitization services. We have established a proven track record of successful projects for our clients, from cultural heritage institutions to corporate organizations. DT Heritage deploys state-of-the-art technologies and adaptive workflows to achieve your project’s goals, and seamlessly integrate with your institution’s operations.
From works of art and natural history to film and archival documents, our team of imaging experts is equipped to take on the challenges of your collection – no matter how diverse.
Digital Transitions Photo:
DT Photo brings industry-leading photographic solutions to the world’s most discerning photographers. With best-in-class technology and a team of dedicated experts, we set the standard for digital medium format photography. Whether you’re looking to own, rent, or need support and training – we’ve got you covered.
It’s not about affording the best equipment, it’s about being afforded the best experience.
Digital Transitions:
While our brand identity may look a little different, we still bring the same passion for excellence and making the customer experience top-priority that allowed us to grow to this point in the first place. We’re looking forward to growing with our existing community and welcoming new professionals into our world of digitization.
If you have any questions about how we can help you find the right digitization solution, email [email protected].