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Last week we hosted our Annual Round Table, which for the first time was virtual and held over the course of two days. We had the pleasure of hosting hundreds of participants from around the world bringing their unique perspectives to the event. I continue to be amazed by the expertise and passion that lies within our community for preserving our collective cultural heritage and am honored to have the opportunity to bring such individuals together.

Our event saw 17 presenters give 10 presentations over the course of two days. We grouped the presentations into two primary categories: Project Planning on day one and Technology and Techniques on day two. We want to first thank our outstanding group of presenters. Our team fully recognizes the amount of time and effort put forth by each of our presenters. Your hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed. These events could simply not happen without our wonderful crew of presenters. We’re sending a virtual round of applause their way!

Jan Peppler, PHD and Independent Consultant
Brady Wilks, DT Heritage
Hannah Storch, DT Heritage
Eric Philcox, DT Heritage
Holly Little, The Smithsonian Institution
Justin Donaldson, The National Holocaust Memorial Museum
Julie Schweitzer, The National Holocaust Memorial Museum
Yahir Shahar, Phase One
Doug Peterson, Digital Transitions
Arnab Chatterjee, Digital Transitions
Spencer Zidarich, Digital Transitions
Renee Braden, National Geographic
Sara Manco, National Geographic
Julie McVey, National Geographic
Christina Moretta, San Francisco Public Library
Mike Levy, San Francisco Public Library
Kai Caemmerer, San Francisco Airport Museum

With frequent breaks for questions and the addition of breakout sessions there was certainly no lack of engagement from our audience. We heard you loud and clear throughout both days. Some of you wake up before the sun on the West Coast of the US and some stay up late on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean to join us towards the end of the day. We’re so grateful for any sacrifices you made to your schedule to join us. Your participation and feedback is what makes each of these events unique.

We wrapped up Day Two with a Virtual Happy Hour hosted by Sommelier Mackenzie Parks (a full house that sold out a month in ahead of the event!) Mackenzie presented a variety of beverages featured in Tom Standage’s book, a History of The World in 6 Glasses. A big thank you to Phase One for helping sponsor our Happy Hour – what a great way to conclude an event like this!

We hope you were able to join us but if you registered and missed the live session, event registrants should have received replay links from Demio (our webinar platform.) If you weren’t able to register this year, we hope you’ll consider joining us for our next round table. We’ll be in touch with details when they’re available – in the meantime feel free to email [email protected] for any questions regarding digitization equipment, services, or events.

Until Next Time,

Peter Siegel

Founder, DT Heritage