Today we have posted a New Version of DTDCH Script Suite. Improvements include:
- Tested with Capture One 9.2 CH
- Now Supports Rodenstock eShutter – we have recently switched to using the high precision Rodenstock eShutter in most DT RCam systems. This new version supports either the Rodenstock eShutter or Schneider SES shutter.
- Detect At Launch – The previous version assumed the user was using a Schneider SES shutter. As a result if the user used another camera errors and instability would appear (e.g. program would freeze when entering live view). In the new version the DTDCH Script Suite autodetects if any Shutter Control software is running when C1 launches. If not, no integration is enabled, meaning no errors when using something other than an RCam. The user can refresh this by restarting Capture One or by selecting [Scripts > DTDCH Shutter Integration > Refresh]
- Shift Crop – Our Batch Crop Manipulator tools have been warmly received by the community. The “Shift” tool is a logical extension of the existing crop manipulators, and simply moves the crop (without resizing) left, right, up, or down, by a requested number of pixels.
- Multiselect – The Expand/Contract tool now allows the user to select more than one edge (using Command key) or “All” edges to expand or contract. For instance, if you want to resize the crop vertically to be 200px taller without changing where it is centered you can now select “top” and “bottom” edges to be expanded by 100px.
Download and more info: DTDCH Script Suite