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Welcome ALA Virtual Attendees!

Welcome ALA Virtual Attendees!

Digital Transitions’ divisions of Cultural Heritage and DT Heritage are proud to be participating in this year’s ALA Virtual Exhibition. DT CulturalHeritage is America’s leading designer and manufacturer of digitization solutions for our nation’s...
New Products & Features for 2018

New Products & Features for 2018

Digital Transitions is already known for providing the absolute best digitization systems for museums, libraries, and archives in the industry. This year, our never-ending quest for better quality, faster workflow, and improved ease-of-use has lead us to develop our...
Smithsonian Digitization Fair: Bracing for Impact

Smithsonian Digitization Fair: Bracing for Impact

Digital Transitions Division of Cultural Heritage is a proud sponsor of the 2017 Smithsonian Digitization Fair. This year’s theme,  Bracing for Impact, will explore how digitized collections can be used to sustain the environment, revitalize cultures, change...
Join us for a free tech talk in NYC

Join us for a free tech talk in NYC

Starting even with their first digital camera in 1992, the color specialists in Leaf’s R+D team honed and maintained a unique set of color profiles. Adopted by many photographers in the fashion and portrait world, this look began to be referred to colloquially as the...
DPLAfest and IS&T wrap up

DPLAfest and IS&T wrap up

The Division of Cultural Heritage had a busy two week schedule in Washington DC this past April with DPLAfest 2016 and the IS&T conference running back to back in the nations capital. DTDCH presented at both conferences. At DPLAfest our own Doug Peterson presented...