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Quality control is a key component of Cultural Heritage imaging. It can save time, money, and headaches for your digitization department. Good QC includes standardized approaches, utilizing cutting-edge technologies, and more. Have you considered your color reference targets as a primary tool in your workflow?

For those aiming at achieving FADGI, Metamorfoze, and ISO imaging standards, a robust target with updated color patches may provide some assurance. If built to quality, it will result in lower calibration maintenance, saving time and labor costs. You should ask yourself if your color target follows these characteristics – and if it is built to last.

We worked with Avian Rochester color experts to design a target to meet these criteria, resulting in one of the most innovative quality control solutions available today, the DT Next Generation Target Version 2 (DT NGT V2 for short).

The DT NGT V2 was originally developed for the Library of Congress with Cultural Heritage imaging in mind. DT Heritage Product Manager Arnab Chatterjee met with Dave Wyble, Avian Rochester’s founder and owner, to discuss the DT NGT V2 and why it is one of the most versatile targets available.

Now save 50% off custom calibration of your DT NGT V2 by Avian Rochester. Fill out the form below and you’ll be contacted by our expert team or buy on our eStore and select your calibration option here.

Looking for more quality control content? Check out our digitization housekeeping tasks series here.



Excited about color solutions? We are too.

Learn more about color measurement and quality control at our upcoming Round Table here!


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