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With higher resolution, industry-leading color accuracy and noise levels, and full integration with Capture One CH, Phase One’s iXG and IQ4 cameras have become the default systems for Cultural Heritage production environments.

From now through the end of April, DT Heritage is offering a significant trade-in value on Sinar camera systems with up to 30% off.

Sinar P Camera System Trade-in

iXG 100MP – up to 30% off

Lens – Equivalent Focal Length lens (i.e. 120mm for 120mm) at 30% off

Sinar Hy 6 Camera System Trade-in :

Phase One IQ4 150 MP – up to 30% off

XF Camera Body – $5,000

Lens – Equivalent Focal Length lens (i.e. 120mm for 120mm) at 30% off

Get Your Sinar Trade-in Quote
