Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Spring Roundtable on May 6-7. After the unprecedented events of the past year, it was great to come together and share our knowledge and experiences. Our community has so much to offer each other, and I, for one, always learn a lot. I hope you do too!
At this roundtable, 13 different esteemed speakers from heritage and professional organizations around the country presented on ten different topics over two days. We heard about the workflow and data management implications of upgrading to higher resolutions and sensor sizes. Pros spoke about their experience digitizing aerial film with the DT Atom and Reel Film Top, transitioning from traditional large-format photography to born-digital capture, and making public records accessible online. We saw a demo of new features in the basICColor Input tool and learned about improvements to ISA’s Golden Thread software. We learned how to keep targets clean, when to remeasure them, and when to throw them out. History Factory told us how it uses a combination of standard practices and specialized approaches to cater to businesses of all types. We got perspective on the merits and limitations of standards like FADGI. And we heard a fascinating case study on digitizing the National Museum of Natural History’s bee specimens.
If you want to revisit any of the topics — or if you registered but were unable to attend the live event — the presentations will be available on our Youtube channel in June. Watch for replay links on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter, and on the DT Heritage website.
We thank the presenters for all their time and effort:
Christopher Ciccone, North Carolina Museum of Art
Jennifer Sullivan, USC Digital Libraries
Tye Pemberton, USC Digital Libraries
Jessica Bird, Smithsonian Institution
Hannah Storch, DT Heritage
Jarob Ortiz, National Park Service
Franz Herbert, Chameleo
Dr. Adam Jansen, Hawaii State Archives
David Wyble, Avian Rochester
Don Williams, Image Science Associates
Chris Juhasz, History Factory
Tim Schantz, History Factory
Arnab Chatterjee, Digital Transitions
More than 196 people from seven different time zones and 147 different organizations joined the roundtable, which made for some great Q&A sessions and a fruitful exchange of ideas. Then, to cap it all off, many of us joined our colleagues in the Happy Hour, always a popular event that was sold out once again. Spirits specialist and bar consultant Andrew Larsen schooled us in spirits, cocktails, and wine pairings using our prebuilt tasting kits.
Through it all, you can bet we at DT Heritage were listening carefully to what you had to say. After all, getting input from our customers and friends in the cultural heritage community is why we started these roundtables in the first place! We’ll use that feedback to make DT Heritage even better.
If you missed the Spring Roundtable, never fear! We’ll do more roundtables in the future; so subscribe to our mailing list and social media, and keep an eye on the DT Heritage website. We hope to see you at the next one!
Peter Siegel
Owner & Founder, DT Heritage
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