Native language will be spoken during the conference.
Phase One invites you to a one-day seminar exploring the progress of high-resolution digitization of documents, books and color slides of the best collections. The advantages of the use of multispectral imaging on ancient manuscripts will be discussed and demonstrated.
Leading experts in the digitization of cultural heritage systems will explain what can be achieved with the pioneering digital technologies of tomorrow. The seminar specifically targets conservators, curators, photographers and collectors, which want to promote their collections, preserve and rediscover them.
This one-day event will be held in the Swiss National Library Berne. The presentation will begin at 10:00 clock and ends around 17:00 clock.
Refreshments will be provided.
The number of participants is limited, we recommend early registration to the seminar. Secure a place for this exceptional opportunity for insight into modern Phase One digitizing workflows.
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