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At this year’s DT Roundtable, we were excited to unveil our latest lineup of DT products, designed to push the boundaries of what’s possible in cultural heritage digitization.

These new tools and innovations—developed with feedback from industry experts and institutions—are crafted to meet the diverse and evolving needs of the digitization community. From enhanced hardware for superior imaging quality to advanced software solutions that streamline workflows, each product has been engineered to help organizations digitize, preserve, and share their collections more effectively than ever. In this post, we’ll highlight each product announced at the roundtable.

You can also watch the full “DT Product Updates” session from our 2024 Roundtable here

Expanding the Beta Release of DT Nexus  

DT Nexus was created to improve every aspect of your digitization workflow by connecting your camera, bench, lighting, and software into a unified system, adding enhancements and improvements not possible without this central control. It provides seamless color profiling, color profile validation, with control over your camera, DT Autocolumn, and RAW settings, plus full control of your DT Stellar lighting system directly from the capture station, with advanced features like individual light adjustment in increments as small as 1/100th of a stop, and light grouping to easily adjust them together.

We’re also bringing game-changing features like AI Crop to Nexus, which you can see in action at minute 29:00 of our roundtable product video.


DT Honeycomb

DT is addressing key challenges in the digitization process with the launch of the DT Honeycomb, a new light-shaping accessory designed to improve ergonomics, proofing accuracy, and image quality. The dazzling effect of bright light, which often leads to eye strain and hinders long work sessions, is dramatically reduced by the DT Honeycomb.


DT Pod

In the world of professional digitization, having the right equipment can make all the difference. Enter the DT POD—a cutting-edge solution designed to enhance your digitization environment by providing optimal lighting, improved ergonomics, and a versatile setup. Take a deep dive into the features and benefits of this innovative product at the link.


DT Nexus Transmissive Profiling/Validation Targets

The emulsion-independent DT Nexus Transmissive Profiling Target is a professional-grade transparent color profiling and reference target with significant precision, accuracy, durability, and build quality, designed and powered by the color science research of Dr. Roy Berns and Dr. Dave Wyble of Gray Sky Imaging, Inc. This profiling target provides a wide and densely populated gamut of spectrally diverse colorants to robustly characterize the behavior of a camera sensor and light, preparing it for color accurate digitization of film, glass plates, specimen slides, and other transmissive materials. Discover more about this Target, and it’s sibling the DT Nexus Transmissive Validation Target at the link.



We are excited to announce the formation of OpenQualia, a collaborative industry group focused on digitization quality control through cooperation and standards. OpenQualia will work to improve the workflows and data formats of digitization tools including software for capture, color profiling, image quality analysis, and quality assurance. The group will serve as a rapid incubator and proving ground for proposed standards, which can then be submitted to the ISO for formal international adoption.


Updated 2025 DT Digitization Guides

After more than 7 years of being the go-to references on digitization solutions and best practices, we’re thrilled to announce the release of the 2025 editions of our DT Digitization Guides—updated with the latest insights, tools, and workflows! Our updated guides offer comprehensive insights on configurable solutions for Cultural Heritage digitization, reflective and transmissive workflows, and program planning to support high-quality Preservation Digital Objects and broaden cultural access.

We hope these guides support your mission to broaden cultural access, and we’re here to assist with any questions or training needs.


Doug Peterson at the DT Roundtable 

You can see all of these products in action during Doug Peterson’s “Product Updates” session at the 2024 Roundtable.

Contact DT with any questions.