With the launch earlier this year of our DT Digitization Certification program, we announced the first two levels of training—the 101: Intro to Modern Digitization class, and the 201: Operator Training class. Up to this point the 101 was only available to those that had already signed up for the 201, but after months of testing, we are excited to announce that the 101 class is now available to everyone as an entirely online class, making it an ideal way to learn the latest about current digitization standards, practices, and terminology.
The class costs $79, and is made up of four lessons, each with its own quiz, and will introduce you to concepts like camera-based instant capture, preservation-grade standards, and modern scanning techniques. After passing all 4 tests, you’ll receive a certificate of completion, and will be added to our Graduates Page. This also allows you to take our 201: Operator Training class.
We’re excited to continue our mission of sharing knowledge and expertise with the Cultural Heritage community, and look forward to adding more courses to our DTDC curriculum.
Click the button below to begin.
[su_button url=”https://heritage-digitaltransitions.com/dt-digitization-certification-101-intro-to-modern-digitization/” background=”#377e80″ color=”#ffffff” size=”8″ center=”no” radius=”0″ text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #ffffff” class=”.su-button {text-align: center; }”]Take the Course[/su_button]
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