Here at DTDCH we live vicariously through the work our clients do with the systems we produce. So as huge photo nerds we were all especially excited to work with the Center for Creative Photography to update the way they scan their collection of photographic film, which includes the life work of Ansel Adams and Edward Weston. For those of us at DTDCH who came to Cultural Heritage Digitization by way of a background in photography there are few names that illicit as much idolization as Ansel Adams and Edward Weston; these iconic photographers pioneered the field of artistic photography, influencing generations of photographers. The Center for Creative Photography has taken on a mission, not just to care for the work of past photographers, however notable and influential they are, but to, in their words “stimulate the imagination, advance scholarship, and encourage creativity”. It is this mission to which high-quality preservation digitization of their collection is so vital.
We have counted the Center for Creative Photography as a customer for many years and relied on them heavily during the development and prototyping of our new DT Film Scanning Kit. Here, in this video, we take a peak behind the scenes at their innovative digitization program.