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Our latest DCH Client Webinar, held on Wednesday, March 6, 2013, focused on the importance of Quality Assurance. Peter Siegel, the Director of the Division of Cultural Heritage, was joined by Guest Speaker Don Williams of Image Science Associates. Don Williams sits on several international standards committees and is fully immersed and involved in the digital image archiving community, frequently contributing to the Federal Agencies Digitization Guideline Initiative (FADGI) and sits on the Still Image Working Group advisory board.

Don took us through a detailed description of Image Quality Terminology, the importance of knowing the difference between Standards and Guidelines in digital imaging and most importantly a top ten list for Managing Digital Image Quality. Peter then demoed real world examples of how to implement the Quality Assurance standards into the Capture One workflow.


Coming soon to the DCH Webinar Series: Book Packaging. Stay tuned for more information!

If you would like more information on Quality Assurance, please contact us.



Contact Us:
Division of Cultural Heritage
Peter Siegel
[email protected]
1.877.f/ortless (367-8537) x228