We at DT CulturalHeritage want to extend a heart-felt thank you to everyone that made it to the Fall 2018 Round Table event at the Morgan Library & Museum, as well as to all of our wonderful presenters – Eric Shows, New York Public Library, Michelle King, The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, P.D. Young, Art Institute of Chicago, Julie McVey, National Geographic, Mike Adamo, Duke University, Justyna Badach, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Lau Nørgaard, Head of R+D at Phase One, and our very own Doug Peterson, Head of R+D, Digital Transitions.
For those that couldn’t attend in person, our presenters have graciously allowed us to share their presentations with you. Each presentation download link and topic outline is listed below.
This Year’s Speakers & Topics:

Digitizing the Carl Van Vechten Slides: The Complete Story
Eric Shows, New York Public Library

Saving Their Stories: Balancing Archival Digitization, Preservation, and Access
Michelle King, The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Lessons Learned & Surprises in Making a Film Archive “Visible”
P.D. Young, Art Institute of Chicago

NatGeo’s “Firsts and Frontiers” Project: Digitally Preserving 130 Years of Science, Exploration, & Field Research
Julie McVey, National Geographic

Multi-Spectral Imaging Experiences
Mike Adamo, Duke University

Methodology Behind Complex Digitization Projects
Justyna Badach, Philadelphia Museum of Art

The Latest Phase One Camera Innovations, Including a Sneak Peak at Where the Company is Going
Lau Nørgaard, Head of R+D, Phase One