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DT Digitization Certification 201: Operator Training

This course covers routine workflows for camera-based digitization systems, from capture to post-processing. It covers topics like setting exposure, establishing focus, creating an LCC (even field), as well as topics like file organization, batch editing, and batch processing. Also included are basic standards-compliance theory and image-quality evaluation, including FADGI, ISO 19264, Golden Thread, and OpenDice. Students emerge ready to be operators of modern digitization systems for most non-challenging object types.

The curriculum spans eight videos totaling approximately three hours of content. Topics covered include workflows for both Capture One Pro (for clients using general-purpose cameras like Canon, Nikon, Sony, or Fuji) and Capture One CH (for clients using cultural-heritage-oriented cameras such as DT and Phase One systems).

Typical library and archive collection material is the primary focus of this video including manuscript material, bound material, film and other transmissive material such as glass plates, lantern slides, or specimen slides, photographic prints, maps, posters. Future DT Digitization courses will cover more complex and problematic materials such as oversized material, three-dimensional objects typical of museums, glass/mirrored/glossy surfaces and more.

It’s suggested you install and activate a trial of Capture One Pro prior to starting the class; the trial is good for 30 days and will allow you to practice various techniques you learn during the class.

A certification test is provided after the completion of your videos. This test is intentionally challenging and has a historical pass rate of approximately 70%. Please prepare thoroughly prior to starting the test.

Successful completion of our Digitization 101 class prior to taking Digitization 201 is required, even for those with prior experience in digitization.

Price: $499

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