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Focus Stacking for Cultural Heritage

A previously recorded live webinar.

Zerene Discount Code

As you saw in the webinar Zerene Stacker is an incredibly powerful focus stacking tool. It’s written and supported by Rik Littlefield who joined us for the webinar. Use code “DTW1606” for 20% off a perpetual license for the Professional Edition of Zerene Stacker. Offer ends July 31.

Helicon 1-Year License for all Phase One XF owners

Current Phase One XF owners can claim a complimentary one-year license of Helicon Focus by logging into phaseone.com, selecting Registered Hardware and entering their Phase One XF serial number.

Sample Files to Practice Your Stacking

We have more than 100 gigabytes of focus stacking raw files and TIFFs from the Phase One IQ3 100mp available for your download. You can use these to practice focus stacking. Complete the form below and we will email you a link.
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